Monday, July 18, 2005
Bangkok Day 1
I shall do a photolog of my BKK trip at last! Hehe. Been procastinating like no one's business... 
Here we go! 

Me at the Airport Transit Lounge!

A Look Outside the Plane with a Very Artistic Clound! 

Just the 2 of Us! We coped the 2 seats by the window and my frd and his gf had to sit seperately. We so mean hor... 

My Monkeys Again! David and Sophia says Hi!! 

We Watched Discovery Channel you knooowwww.... Actually is we dunno what show to very nice Taiwan show leh!!! Wasted sia... 

Our Meal Time!!
Notice the Japan-style tray? We thought it was darn artistic wor...though Cathay isn't a Japanese Airline... 

Clement's Meal...Chicken Rice wor...

My Meal!! Fish and Potatoes...Got Hagen Daz Ice Cream okie! And got Toblerone choco okie!! 
After that we reach Thailand, it was a whirlwind of frenzy. My friends wanted to change $$ there, and so we waited for them. Meanwhile we went to look for the representative from the agency to pick us up lor.
Turns out that everyone else's flight reach le, so everyone else was waiting for us lar! Hehe. So paiseh sia... There were in all 8 of us squeezed into a mini-bus, and then since it's a 12-seater mini-bus, so we had to squeeze our lugguage in there also lor. Not bad eh...the driver managed to do it! Hehe.

Well, sights and sounds in Thailand was
bewildering. Really! Looking at the way they drive was really scary man...all the cars just filter into each others' lanes without signalling whatsoever. And the magical thing is, everyone just gives way to each other. No accidents wor. I think if it's the case in Singapore there will be a lot of road rage liao orh...

Anyway, we were all bio-ing cars all the time. Haha. Plus all the car showrooms. Got Ferrari, Porsche leh. Hehe. But hor, all the cars on the road the most common one is the
Corolla Altis. The taxis are all Corollas!!! And there are soooo many taxis on the roads that it's almost unbelievable man! The taxis come in all sorts of red, orange, blue, yellow-green, on. And all are Corollas. And some of the taxis we saw are darn stylo lar. They have spoilers on the cars! And some have bodykits even.

Buay tahan...haha. Some also got tacometers. And we were to find out our tour continued.

Well we checked into our hotel (
Eastin Hotel), a very nice classy 3-star hotel lor. It looks very nice and the staff was good! When we checked in only got twin bed rooms left...we requested for double beds actually. So the receptionist told us they will put the 2 single beds for us together lor. And that we can change room the next night. Such good service right! Hehe.
The room was big wor...and the view was quite okie. It wasn't our first-choice hotel because Clement wanted a hotel that's near to the shopping centres, but I guess it was okay because it's really nice and comfy and big! The rooms are huge I tell you. Haha. Forgot to take photos of the room wasted. Heh~
After that we checked in liao we went to look for food. Haha. Clement brought us to
Isetan, where my
friend's gf C went to buy her make-up remover. Apparently she forgot to pack hers in the lugguage. Well, after that we went to look for lingerie. Ladies' lingerie is really very cheap in BKK, worth buying wor! And worth buying a lot! Haha.
In the end we spent almost like 4000 Baht on the lingerie alone.

Imagine that's only me and
C's stuffs! Haha. We wanted to claim the VAT (their equivalent of GST) so might as well. The rule was that we have to spend at least 2000 Baht at the shopping centre on the same day and also spend 5000 Baht in all in Thailand. Haha. Easy does it! I think girls are darn great shoppers lar. Haha. Anyway
C's makeup remover was like 1000+ it didn't take long for us to accumulate to more than 5000 Baht.
Clement and
my friend S bought some sports shorts in Isetan too. It's weird you know, how they price their stuffs. For the same shorts, 1 can cost like 500 Baht and the other just cost 200 Baht. I think
S was lucky to have picked the right pair. haha. And then Clement bought Peirre Cardin boxers coz it was on offer! Cheap cheap wor...don't buy wasted! Hehe.

Yup...later we had very nice Salmon sashimi at this Japanese restaurant called
Fuji! That's another
go-BKK-must-do thingy according to clement, because for some reason their Jap food is cheap and good! The
salmon was
sooooo tasted sooooo good. Hehe. I think for the same thing you want to get in Singapore it will cost an arm and leg...but was like 10 bucks and the plate was full of Salmon. So yummy. Hehe.
And then the
wasabe was shiok shiok sia. Haha. Though I am never a wasabe-eater (it's so pungent!) but I tried the sashimi with it and it was so good. We have all be conned by the Sakae Sushi wasabe liao...their wasabe is really tasteless compared to this man...

(I eat wasabe at Sakae sometimes lor...)
Anyway me and clement had some gyoza set and some teriyaki beef set. The portions was sooo big that we both had trouble finishing it. Not to mention, the table got no place sia! Hahaha. We had to do jigsaw puzzle like squeeze all the stuffs in. Hehe. Too bad cameras are not allowed in the restaurant, or else I could have taken a photo of the nice yummy food we had! Hehe. So nice!!!

Something funny happened at the end though. We wanted the receipt so that we can split the bill among ourselves. We tried telling the waitress about that after she returned us the change. So 1st time round she brought a small receipt just stating the amount of the dinner (which is what we didn't want). And then we told her we wanted the receipt with the breakdown of food. She said it's not allowed for the patron to bring it out (weird rules right?) so we said we just wanted to see the cost so that we can split. In the end, she actually gave us a photostated copy of the receipt! So touched...hehe. The thing was, she didn't know much English and we didn't know how to communicate with it was quite funny. But in the end she went through the trouble of photostating it...well, gotta hand it to them lor.

We went shopping after that. Roamed around Isetan building, then crossed over to another building opposite. There was this great supermarket called the
Big C...where everything was so cheap! It's like a Carrefour or Giant equivalent. The amazing part was there's 1 corner with all the
mini-size of everything! Mouth wash, deodorant, shower foam, shampoos, facial wash...blah blah blah... and it was so cheap! Like 10-30 baht depending on the product. Which is like S$1-2 like this lor.
S was complaining that he bought a S$1 bottle to bring his showerfoam over...and here in Thailand the exact showerfoam sells for S$1 too! So bo hua for him...

So clement and I decided next time we come BKK, we shall head over to the supermarket first and buy our toiletries before going anywhere else! Haha!!

There were many other shops in the building, but we didn't shop because we have to save our money for what we came for...the weekend markets/wholesale markets! Hehe. That's the most important wor.

So we just browsed through only, and keep telling ourselves it's more ex (it actually is!).
Anyway for some anniversary thingy there was this cake making stuffs at the 1st floor...curious clement and me decided to snap some pictures lor.

The "Chefs" Putting Cream on the Cake and A Closer Look at the Decor of the Cake!Nice hor?

It was rather late le...I think they meant to start late so that people will not disturb them. They were not around when we entered the building lor.
Anyway after that we all tired le wor...Since we all had a rather hectic day, so we decided to go back and rest. Oh did I mention that
BKK is full of dogs? There are so many dogs lying around sleeping on the streets. Sometimes they are so indifferent to the world around them you might wonder whether they are actually awake or asleep. I think they were all poor, starving dogs.
It's quite sad to see young kids lying by the roadside sleeping away on just a cardboard piece. Wanted to give them some money or food but clement advised against it. "You help one, you have to help all." I guess it's true. There were so many hungry people waiting for someone to give them some money or whatsoever. I had a rather scary encounter though. When i was crossing the overhead bridge, there was this man
crawling on the floor on his stomach, his hand stretched out asking for money. It's weird you know, because his 2 legs seems okay and I think he should be walking...but he was just crawling. Gave me a scare...because their overhead bridge isn't lighted and I didn't see the man until the crowd suddenly cleared out in front of me (probably to avoid the old man).
Anyway, at night you see the other side of BKK. It is what I call the "
Entrepreuner" side of BKK. It's amazing you know, suddenly all the streets are transformed into a mini night market liao. Anyone with a cloth can just lay his/her wares on the floor and wait for people to buy. They really do that. And they sell all sorts of things. From shoes to bags to souvenirs to Buddha figures and even to roadside foodstall "stalls" (the rack and basins you need to have for a foodstall). It is simply amazing. Hahaha. Again, so tempted to shop! But got held back by clement because he kept reminding me that I must save money! Hahaha. A bit sad hor, go tour cannot spend. lol.
We reached BKK when it was raining wor. The roads/pavements were full of potholes and that made walking more difficult because you always have to look out for puddles of water every 2-3 steps. Really tiresome.

But it was okay at night because most have dried already (thanks to BKK's warm weather!) so not too bad. Then again at night have to look out for dogs (those dogs can get rather agressive if they smell food ya know...)
And that, was our 1st day!
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 11:46 PM