Friday, February 03, 2006
Of V-days and Silver
Received the Perlini's Silver catalogue earlier today, and so I was browsing through it.
It's the time of the know it, Valentine's Day!!!
Frankly I feel that this day is overrated. Like why the heck must a couple be extravagant on this day just to show their love to each other?! Aren't other days important as well?
And I don't like walking on the streets on this's like throw one stone and you will sure hit someone with a bouquet of flowers. And also, catch this, that smug look on their faces that says "I've got someone special but YOU haven't!"
Like so what? Got boyfriend (because it's always the girls with that look) so very xin fu meh? Got boyfriend then can show off meh? Got flowers on this day so what? So expensive and cannot eat what. Hahaha.
Alright, back to the main topic. Haha. I don't hate V-days, but I hate it the way that couples purposely try to out-do each other by exhibiting their big bouquet of flowers, like trying to see who's gf got a bigger bouquet. LoL~ Like exhibitng love rather than celebrating love. -_-!!
So you spend 500 bucks on V-day...for the rest of the month you eat grass eat air lor. Hahaha.
Anyway, I just wanted to air my thoughts on V-day. But back to the main topic, I realised that Perlini's Silver has got some pretty stuffs this time round! I seldom like Perlini's stuffs because I find it too mass-produced (there are so many Perlini's Silver everywhere!) and I find that everything looks the same to me after a while.
This is my fave:

So I don't think I will get to receive a ring like this in my lifetime, but to all couples who believe in getting couple rings and the what-nots, I think this is rather sweet!! Haha. Lazy to think of what to carve, then just settle for this lor. I like it that the words are
bold and the
I Love You is pink. So the
I Love You should go to the girl!! And the
Forever to the guy because the guy must remember that loving her, being in a relationship with her, is about
Like so meaningful hor? Heehee.
And there's another one which I found rather ambiguous:

This is an Angel and Devil. How it found its way to the Valentine's collection I also dunno. But, while the Angel looks angelic enough, the devil looks weird. Apart from the fork, I don't think the devil looks like a devil. Haha. Maybe the head lacks the horns to go with it. And it looks like an angel holding a fork. So there.
So much for my catalogue bio-ing and rants about V-day. V-day is a Tuesday! I think I can look forward to many goodie bags from our dearest Welfare from the Union le. Haha. So while I may miss out on those V-day dedications (I have missed them since Year 1 anyway!), at least I can look forward to free food (?!), free ice cream (?!) and hopefully I get a big fat goodie bag!! Haha.
I missed out on the best one this year...given by my school. Acks.
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 11:41 PM