Wednesday, October 25, 2006
One Litre of Tears
This is a Japanese drama series, and from what I know, it is very touching.
Haven't really watched much but I think the beginning actually looks quite good. And the girl is very pretty. :)
Watch it on YouTube here.
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 2:00 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The Idealist
With regards to this post, I found that a lot of people have the same idealistic point of view as me. Why am I not surprised? Haha.
I guess there are lots of people out there who has loved and lost, and hence they learn to treasure a relationship more. Or maybe we are all just idealistic hopeless-romantic freaks. :p
I am supposed to type the things I am happy about!!! But first, let me rant about not-so-happy stuffs....
I very sian ok...because I waited like 10 mins for my bus to take me to the train station, whereby I missed it by just 1 minute and I had to wait 8 minutes for the next. Then I had to go JE to switch the trains...the train just left and so I had to wait for another, and then so I missed the shuttle bus.
I guess we all have those kind of days whereby the public transport seems to be going against you huh.
BUT!!! Nevermind.
I must talk about 5 happy things today. Let me try:
I am happy because I met up with the bestie today!!! :)
I am happy because I went Vivocity for the first time today!!! The bestie told me it is her 3rd time already. -_- I very suaku right. Hmph~!
I am happy because I sorted up some stuffs which has been baffling me for quite some time. :)
I am happy because I managed to get my printer printing again. The printer and my PC was ignoring each other yesterday...jeez.
I am happy because I can finally access my gmail and get the resume which I have been waiting for. :)
So! Time to update my resume, time to start my job search!!!
Every morning I see my 宝贝 waiting for me by my pillow. I feel blissful. Heehee.Labels: Quiz/Personality, rants, tickle tests
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 1:22 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This is my 宝贝. Cute or not? :)
Though I am nobody's 宝贝, but at least I have my own 宝贝. Heehee. So cute right.
Today is a happy day, because I went KTV and sang and sang and sang!!! Sang until throat pain pain. Heehee. I forgot all the correct techniques to sing liao. :)
Today is also a happy day, because I passed my quiz! I was seriously expecting 15/100 because I was only sure that 1 question is correct. The others were just guesswork. :)
Today is a happy day, because I received my cousin's email! Long time no hear from her, yet she still bothers to write me a long long email. I love long emails! Heehee. :)
Today is a happy day, because I realise that there are so many people around me who cares about me, and I am just thankful for their presence. :)
Today is a happy day, because I didn't feel really sad at all!! :)
Tee-Hee. I must remember this happpy day, and sing my happy song!
Labels: monkees
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 1:11 AM
Monday, October 16, 2006
New Song, New Look
Like my new skin?
Coz I like!! :)
And I love the song, though it totally doesn't fit my blog skin and theme.
But nevermind, contradictions are must learn to see the beauty within the flaws!!
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 7:25 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Good Things...Bad Things
Think of the good times, forget the bad, learn to move on, forgive and forget.
What a perfect way to summarise it all.
But it is easier said than done, so never cease to try, ya?
***Went to Innovationation yesterday. For the uninitiated, the Innovationation is to celebrate 25 years of Infocomm advancement in Singapore. The exhibit costs S$10 million to put up. And it is pretty cool too, featuring past technologies (remember the Motorola waterbottle-like mobile phone?) to the very present and the future.
I took quite a bit of photos using my mobile, but I haven't uploaded yet so I will do so in the next post or so.
***Met the gang on Friday, and we went East Coast Park for dinner. It was my first time there so I was pretty amazed at the place, the atmosphere, and the toilets. Heehee. I am suaku ma. But I must say the toilet looks pretty romantic with the dim yellow lights and the open concept.
And so we sat there, chit-chatted till almost 1am, before we went home. Quite amazing that despite not having met for some time, we still had plenty to talk about. Now we are all discussing about jobs, pay, money, bills, blah and blah. Haha. Quite different from the past where we would be complaining about our projects, FYP, profs... :)
Seems like everyone is joining me in my job search, because the working ones want to quit, the jobless ones, are still searching. Heehee. Time for me to embark on my job search too. I admit that I have been pretty slack about it, but of course, now it is time to buck up since I am going to be joining the workforce, and I hope I can secure a job when I graduate.
I am pretty excited about this impending job search, because I am finally giving into some deep thoughts about what I want to do. Actually I still have not much of an idea, because I don't really know where my strengths and interest lies. Right now it is very basic...I want a jetsetting lifestyle, I hope I won't be stucked at the desk all the time, I want to be able to interact with people, I want a job that allows me to be creative.
Is there a job that fits all these?
I wanted to be a flight stewardess, but that one is definitely out because of my outbreak and horrid scars and all my moles on my face. (I heard they scrutinize every mole and scar that is I'm out. :( ) And my bad eyesight.
I want an advertising job. But I don't think they want to hire engineers, do they?
So I am still in limbo. Should I be an engineer? What sort of engineer? Software? Hardware? Shift work? Non-shift?
Ah. I am still in limbo. Maybe I need to go for some interviews, talk to more people, before deciding what I truly want as my career. :)
***Songs make me cry. I get super emotional these days. I dare not plug in my mp3 player for fear of crying on the bus.
I am turning into this sappy love nut. Yuck.
Even test-listening to a CD can make me cry. Oh funck!
I cannot cannot tahan myself.
***How Do I Live Without You?As usual lor. I eat, sleep, bathe, shit everyday. I still watch TV, read my books. You know, life goes on. The world is still revolving, the sun will always rise from the East by 7AM in the morning.
***Have you ever felt like you have been given a death sentence for something which you don't even know why you were sentenced for?
Like so crazy sounding right.
It just feels so...wronged. I don't know a better word for it already. Don't know why, it suddenly feels that all I had done, has been wrong, and things that I have not done, is also wrong. And then there is no warning, no symptom, and it suddenly falls on top of you like a big BANG. And you get shaken up from your reverie.
***Overnight, all hopes are dashed.
Ahhhh. You know, the feeling like the world which you held on to, because you have had aspirations for, has just suddenly came rumble tumble crashing onto the ground.
So overnight, you learn to adapt, you learn that the world has crash. It will take some time to come to terms with it, and after that you will move on.
I hope the time taken doesn't take too long though. :)
***I am typing a load of gibberish. Doubt anyone reads this blog of mine. Heehee. Let me RANT!!!
I know someone reads my blog thinking I don't know about it. Hahaha. You know who you are. You think I don't know, but I know more than you think I know.
You can keep it secret if you want. I don't really care la. Just don't throw what I blog about back to me in my face lo.
If you want to pretend that you don't read my blog, keep that pretense up even when you meet me, please. :)
***Maybe I should go back to composing songs. :) My good friend has been asking when I am going to submit any songs to her. I tell her I am currently too emotionless to compose.
But right now I am feeling inspired and full of emotions again. It is time fit to start composing songs.
Eh. Composers are depressed people. I am one of them lo. Heehee.
When just listening to an oldie can make me tear like a crazy freak. I guess I am chock-full of emotions again.
***I wanna go watch Scoop!
Labels: rants
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 1:29 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
It's funny how we women tend to seek answers, while men tend to run away from answers.
I guess we are wired this way, sometimes we need to know the answers to draw a conclusion for ourselves and move on. Although this may not be true for all ladies out there, but it is true for me at least.
Just the other day a good friend was talking about how dispensable we people are. Like, somehow we never made a mark important enough in others' lives to warrant us indispensable. It sounds a wee tad egoistical here, but to think of it, maybe all we need is someone who can treasure and cherish us, just like how we treasure and cherish them.
So how dispensable I really am?
What will people do if I die one day? I think the only people who will really be sad is my mommy and daddy. I just realise how much I mean to them the other was quite touching to realise the fact that my parents, in their own quiet way, has always been supportive whatever I have done. And how much my presence mean to them, even though it is just physical presence. Nothing beats family love, truly.
At least I know that I am indispensable in my parents' lives. I am supposed to be their joy and their matter how screwed I am, and this is always the reason I tell myself when things get too tough to handle...I must survive for the sake of my papa and support them till old age...and so this give me the will and reason to continue on...
I don't know how much of an impact I have made to my friends, but I think in the course of the years, people just drift in and drift out of one anothers' lives, I am no different...and as we all become older, we have more things to do, work, boyfriends/girlfriends, family...and then friends get neglected in the end.
Maybe if I am gone, friends will be sad, some might even tear a bit, but after it all, life goes on. No one is exactly indispensable in other peoples' lives, no matter how important we make them up to be. Maybe that is why, I don't feel that I have a need to hold on to every little friendship I can get...don't get this wrong, doesn't mean that I don't treasure friendship a lot, but I just don't think it necessary to impose myself on others when others does not want to be imposed on.
Actually having a few really good friends is enough...I am quite blessed that I have found them. :)
One last thing. Boyfriends are not included. Practically because breakups happen, and because they do, of course we are dispensable. Like you know, for 1 or 2 years, you are both happy with each other, so you stick together, and then after that, it is time to seek greener pastures. And so off they go. No regrets.Labels: contemplatives
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 3:31 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Love Or Bread?
I remembered being asked this question way back when I was 18. Was chatting with my colleagues then, and it's 2 versus 1. So it was 2 for bread and 1 for love.
All of us had have our experiences being in love, and depending on the varying degrees of encounters with love we've had, thus came our conclusions.
There was her, who was unceremoniously dumped by the ex-boyfriend for another girl, and there was another her, with a near-perfect ex-boyfriend whose biggest fault was his possessiveness.
There was me, who then had many crushes left and right, but never found love. And love to me then was depicted in television dramas in the form of Meteor Garden.
I think at that time everyone was crazy over that drama serial, well, at least everyone around me. Well, 1 of that 4 guys became the benchmark for the dream guy, of whom I came to discover, actually existed. :)
So why did I choose bread? My idea was rather simple. Love makes the world go round, so does money. Right then I thought love was just ideal, if I found love, good for me. If I did not, I would not fret about it too. Probably because I was still young, fresh out of school, and not having encountered love made me treat it like a really small matter.
So at that time, I thought if I were to settle down with someone, he has to be someone whom we can live comfortably together, with little luxuries here and there, and I will be contented. Love then, was not the equation. It was considered optional in my case, and my arrangement seemed as ideal as it could be.
Of course I did not consider the life of a married couple, but of course, bed matters were not part of the considering factor then, I never thought of how it would be like to sleep with someone whom you have no feelings for.
I was kinda naive then.
Fast forward to 2006. After being 1/2 of a couple and experiencing things which I have never thought of before, I am beginning to realise why that colleague of mine chose Love over bread. Back then, she told me in life, it's really hard to find someone whom you can share everything with, and someone who can fall in love with you just like you fall in love with him.
Back then, all I thought was, love was just an extra-curricular activity; like when I am day-dreaming I can think of how wonderful this guy is and how good looking he is and how I find the way he carries himself which interests me so much and then the list goes on. I never really thought of whether I am going to be his girlfriend or not. I was happy admiring him from afar and thus my many many crushes left and right.
Presently however, I am finally seeing the light in that ex-colleauge's words. She's right in a sense, because I realised that for two members of the opposite sex to click, there must be some common point, somewhere. And from the common point, can the relationship grow into something more intimate, something which we can call Love.
So idealistic right? But so true. And it is not easy to grow a relationship, apart from the common point factor. There is a lot of give and take, compromises, communication, to be done before the relationship grows. And that is why I feel that quarrels are necessary between couples, because through this we are given a chance to understand each other's feelings and thoughts which we would have otherwise witheld.
Things can only get better, because after a quarrel there will be ample communication and hence the chance to make amends and explain each others' actions. I personally think that it is a good chance to thrash things out. And after this whole issue, it will seem like the relationship has levelled-up and then everything is all bright and rosy. But of course if everything ends on a good note and both parties have got their thorns out. :)
Which is why I think the ex-colleague's words are so true. She, who had loved, lost and found love again, had the most experience. And she did say that with the right love, she could be contented. I think I am more similar to her than I had known at that time.
Suddenly I realised that m0ney can never finish buying the things I want in life. Money can buy me the most luxurious goods, but there will always be more and more in the market, of which I can never finish buying. And buying things may give me instant gratification, but after that I was never really interested in what I had bought. I do not feel contented whatsoever, just plain neutral or even irritation because I have got an awful lot of stuffs which I have to pack now (and I hate packing).
Hence I now believe that love will be something different. If you can find someone who can share everything with you, goals, morals, future and all, and whom you can share all the abovementioned with, learn to cherish him/her. That's all I can say. Whether the two of you will walk down the aisle in the future is yet unknown, but having the same goals and planning a future together is always a good start.
I think I am being idealistic about love this time, but I know this are the actual fundamentals for a relationship, and more importantly marriage. It is not about money, not about families, not about age, not about academic qualifications. And for me, it is a personal to-be-fulfilled goal: To be able to be with someone who knows all my flaws, and yet accept me the way I am, someone who thinks I am important enough in his life to want to plan his future with me, someone who wants to love me and cherish me for who I am and someone whom I can reciprocate all the above-mentioned to wholeheartedly.
Sounds like I am desperate to get married huh? However, marriage is not on the cards between me and Clement, let me clarify that to a particular "Prez". So stop telling people I am going to be married off soon ok. :)
But I believe marriage is another form of "level-up" for a relationship. Hee.
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 1:12 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
A Book to Recommend
Not something very philosophical or what...just plain hilarious and entertaining.

I borrowed this book recently from the library, and I really enjoyed it. It's much like chick lit, only from a guy's point of view. Well, the story's about 3 guys who are best friends, one of them married, one of them going to be married, and the other, well, he's a playboy.
It so happens that the playboy thinks that the one who's going to be married is marrying the wrong girl, and tries his very best to stop him. And a series of funny events ensues. And in the meantime the playboy gets to meet this girl who could make his heart beat faster that he stutters when he's around her.
What a complicated story. But easy to follow and very touching towards the end. :) The playboy settles down, and well, the going-to-be-married guy? Read to find out.
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 2:50 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
My Dating Persona...
This was 2 years ago leh. Haha. 2004 I think, when I found it in my Gmail while surfing aimlessly...
Now? Hmm....
So weird huh~! How life and perspective changes with time and how some ideals which I used to have are now different or totally gone. But ok, I realised while I used to be gentle, I am brutal now. Wahaha. Ok so maybe I sound like a meanie. Or not. Or whatever. :)
I think it's interesting to take such quizzes at different stages of your life. Somehow you may have evolved, even without your knowledge, just like me. Hehe.
Off to lesson~!
Stunningly Gorgeous Y 3:18 PM